DIY-BASIC Membership Plan

The Do-It Yourself Guide to Creating and Controlling your Facial Expressions


This plan is great for those who like to do it all themselves. The lessons drip out over a 4 month period, however, you can move at the course speed or slow it all down. I will always be available during dedicated office hours or via email in case you get stuck or have any questions. is great for those who like to do it all themselves. The lessons drip out over a 4 month period, however, you can move at the course speed or slow it all down. I will always be available during dedicated office hours or via email in case you get stuck or have any questions.

The DIY Membership plan is the basic course plan.  It includes all 3 modules - The Emotion Screen Test, Building Inner and Outer Alignment and Emotion Building. Although it's called the basic plan, it is the most extensive, in-depth course of its kind. With over120 instructive video lesson, the wealth of information is enormous. The really great thing about the course is, no matter where you live, your job constraints, or if you travel a lot, all you need is your computer or phone and a WiFi connection to keep going on your training. No excuses. It’s that simple!

The Emotion Alignment DIY and DIYX Membership Plans
The membership plans I have available allow you to get the training you need for a fraction of the cost . There’s no need to put out the big bucks. Both DIY and DIYX are guided Do-it-Yourself Courses. The main difference between the two courses is, the DIYX also includes weekly videos from my live classes that go along with lesson as well as one live class per month with John. It’s like being in a class with actually being in it. To get a full breakdown of the course see below. Lastly, both memberships are month to month. There’s no contract. Stay as long or a short as you like. You can cancel at any time.
To see what's inside the course take a look below.

Course Curriculum

John Sudol

"John Sudol is a trailblazer in the performing arts industry, with an impressive 25-year career as an actor, director, playwright, screenwriter, story editor, and educator. His passion for communication and expression led him to become the founder of the John Sudol Acting Studio and the Language of the Face Studio, where he has made it his life's work to help others master the art of facial communication. With a global reputation for excellence, John has empowered countless actors, animators, and business professionals to unlock their full potential and convey emotion, thought, and feeling with effortless precision. With his guidance, you can take your communication skills to the next level and achieve greater success in every area of your life."

 Gunner Wright 

J. EDGAR, GI JOE, LOVE, THE LOSERS, Cadillac, Goodyear, Pennzoil, etc

John Sudol's coaching is paramount for any actor who is studying to be in front of the camera. With John's workshops and book, I feel even more informed and creative, knowing I can use not only dialogue and physical movements, but facial muscles to better convey a thought and emotion.

Course Pricing