FREE COURSE: Facial Expression Training

For Actors, Animators and Presenters - Learn how your face communicates your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

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        "John Sudol's coaching is paramount for any actor who is studying to be in front of the camera. With John's workshops and book, I feel even more informed and creative, knowing I can use not only dialogue and physical movements, but facial muscles to better convey a thought and emotion."

        Gunner Wright
        J. EDGAR, GI JOE, LOVE, THE LOSERS, Cadillac, Goodyear, Pennzoil, etc


        T"As a director and teacher It's easy for me to recognize good acting. As an actor there's a different story. When working in film and television in particular, I sometimes felt very confused. I completely understood the scene and thought I was doing what the director had asked of me. But I would just get the same note again and again. After working with John I realized that my fear of overacting had led to me not using my face at all in my work. This course was so valuable to me that I will highly recommend John to my clients."

        Roz Williams Blue Bloods, White Collar, Elementary, Nurse Jackie, Broadway, To Kill a Mockingbird...